We started off our 5-week Costa Rican adventure in a lovely inn with amazing views of the surrounding mountains and the city of San Jose. Poas Lodge became our first home-away-from home. We stayed for 2 nights waiting for the fog to lift over the Poas volcano so we get a glimpse of the green acid crater lake inside one of the most active volcanoes in Costa Rica. The rain never stopped, the fog didn’t lift, but the boys had a great time hanging out with a family from Florida, sitting by the fire drinking milkshakes, playing games, watching movies, and taking walks whenever the rain briefly paused. The morning we departed we got out early and hiked up to the volcano view point, just in case. We couldn’t see a thing, but we knew it was lurking out there under the clouds.

Keeping warm by the fire at Poas Lodge. Poas was the only place we were anything less that very hot for the entire 5 weeks!