Prom is a trainee at Openmind, and came with us every day to the schools where we were teaching. She helped us communicate, both in language and culture, while gaining skills and improving her English.
Thai people LOVE children! We weren’t quite prepared for this, and didn’t really pay much attention to it when the hotel staff in Bangkok seemed to only be interested in Jackson. Once we got to Nong Khai, however, Jackson became the star of the town. We are stopped everywhere so that people can ask him his name and take a photo with him! Women are always stopping us to touch him, and squeeze his arms and cheeks, from random women on the street, to a prostitute in a restaurant in Bangkok (we declined that photo). At the party the Openmind staff threw for us on our second night, all the volleyball girls and a team of dancing girls flocked around him, all wanting to have their picture taken with him.
The team of volleyball players, girls all around age 13, live at Openmind, who is helping to support them while they train. At first they spent their time giggling around Sam, but eventually they gave up on him and decided to focus entirely on Jackson. Whenever he steps out of the building, they all scream “Jackson!!!” We passed their school the other day when they were all out in the field, and as soon as they caught sight of him they all ran to the fence yelling his name!
As we all know, Jackson is not very huggy (new rule: I’m not allowed to hug him in tuk-tuks), but his displeasure seems to be lessening and he hasn’t been scowling as much being squooshed by strangers. With the Openmind staff all over him always trying to get his attention, I have actually caught him smiling a few times. . . . .